Get the best advice for solo female travelers. Discover tips for solo travel for women, including staying safe, making friends, and exploring with confidence.
An interview with veteran volunteers, Joan and Carolyn. We discuss the adventures they've had and the advice they'd offer to aspiring volunteers and interns.
Discover the best volunteer abroad opportunities worldwide. Travel the world, learn new skills, help others, and make friends when you choose Projects Abroad.
Discover the benefits of an alternative to the typical spring break. Invest your time when you volunteer abroad and come home with real stories.
Discover school trips overseas with Projects Abroad. Learn about the positive impacts your students can have through volunteering while giving them valuable experiences.
Help train teachers in Peru this January! Join this exciting opportunity to explore the world as you develop your teaching skills and leave a positive impact.
Want to know the best way to learn a language? Learn why immersive travel overseas is the most effective way to make learning a new language fun and easy!
Travel off-season and enjoy a better adventure abroad. Discover why to become a low-season traveler, along with the best time to travel off-season.
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